I should write about potatoes, bratwurst, rye-wheat bread and beer! But instead I choose to show you my favorite food at the moment.
It´s fruit and then especially the summerfruit. All sorts of berries and cherries.
In Holland that kind of fruit is so expensive that I almost never bought it. Here it is common to grow your own berries and people sell it in front of their house. Just a little table with their homegrown fruit and vegetables and sometimes flowers and homemade marmelade.
Early this morning I went to the farmers market to buy some fruit. It is located in front of the Nauener Tor (Nauener Gate) which was build in 1754.
This is what I eat during the day. In the morning with yoghurt and musli and as a snack during the rest of the day. I just can´t get enough of it.
Thank you for all the sweet comments on my last post. My father is 77 and this was his first trip abroad! He loved it! Just too bad I didn´t have a camera. But he promised to come back.

If you want to have a great trip around the world and watch the other Corner Views, look under Corner View in my sidebar! Be sure to visit Jane of Spain Daily, she´s the one who started this all!
Dear Jeanette, I can understand you- how can you resist those cherries? They look so delicious... And in the first photo- is it gooseberries on the right..? I LOVE them, they remind me my childhood.. :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you for sharing, hugs x
Ooh yes, me too. Like you I rarely bought them in Holland, but here!!?? Every day 2 boxes.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh, yes! I'd love to taste some of jostaberries, never heard of them before :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you Jeanette!
No bratwurst for me!
BeantwoordenVerwijderennee, breng het fruit maar binnen!
We zijn de tuin aan het verbouwen en de fruitbomen en struiken zullen eigen oogst brengen, hoop ik!
Beautiful! Would love to spend a morning at that farmers market!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHappy Day!
Your photos are so yummy!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAt the moment I´m eating summerfruits in the morning..at noon...in the evening and in between...hm...I love them :-).
Have a nice day
i think it´s so cool that people sell their produce right in front of their houses. and those cherries!... besos!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWe had a very similar add for pasta here, too, but I don't think ours had the little girl calling to him at the end. I like that touch, it makes it funnier.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe berries look very good!
Yum.....I love the summer fruits too. You just reminded me that we don't get gooseberries over here in the States.. or at least I don't think so??? besos... Ali.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh no - more cherries on display.....I wish they were cheaper here because they really are my favourite food! I think I am going to have to treat myself to some this weekend! Thank you for sharing the berries! I love them too!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMmm fruit. I totally agree. Especially in the summer it can't be beat.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSo glad your father and you had a good time visiting together! Hope he got to taste some of the berries there, I've never seen them sold just in front of houses!
BeantwoordenVerwijderendelicious and beautiful!
Fruit is altijd al lekker, maar als je het zo ziet krijg je nog meer trek. Ik zit in de betuwe altijd tussen het fruit, en koop het dan bij de plaatselijke boeren. Dat scheelt enorm.
BeantwoordenVerwijderengroetjes Lia
This is my diet this time of year too. Cherries and strawberries (and later raspberries and blueberries) there's nothing like it.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHoorah, you're back! Yum, I agree re summer fruit. It's so much easier to get fruit in to my children in the summer. Strawberries are my favourite.x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenlalalalala....ich würde dich gerne singen hören liebe jeanette ;-) und ich liebe sommerbeeren und kirschen auch so sehr....summertime ist doch wirklich was wunderbares. liebe grüsse und schön, dass du wieder zurück bist.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenevrything looks so fresh and delicious!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenfresh fruit in the summertime... delicious!! much more photogenic than bratwurst!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThose berries make my mouth water...yum yum yum!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenfruit fruit fruit !! i must go eat some fruit !!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThose berries look so delicious !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSuper dat je vader het naar z'n zin heeft gehad bij jou.. ik neem aan dat jij ook hebt genoten.. Stoer hoor op zijn leeftijd voor het eerst naar het buitenland, petje af! Is toch best spannend.. Groeten, Corine(THUIS)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMeid,wat een hoop blogjes moest ik van jou bijlezen terwijl ik maar 13 dagen weg was!!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEn jij maar schrijven dat je niet bloggen kon omdat je geen camara had of dat je vader kwam of.... en ondertussen!!
Maar ik ben weer bijgelezen en vind je schrijfstijl zo grappig!
En wat leuk dat jullie een nieuw klein poesje krijgen.
Zou ik ook wel eens willen maar ik denk dat die 2 neuroten van katten bij ons spontaan een rolberoerte krijgen als er zo'n klein speels ding naar binnen huppelt.
Nou fijn weekeind.
I would take this over bratwurst any day :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI'll bet your Mueslii is yummy too :)
I posted a comment to say to you I found your pictures very pretty !! May it's lost in the air ;) Thanks for sharing ! Have a nice week-end !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh, this looks delicious! My mom's got some of these berry sorts in her garden - she makes delicious limonade to last the household for the whole winter.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHow nice that your father visited you - especially if he'd never been abroad before. Good for him =)
Have a great weekend Jeannette!
Mouthwatering pictures! I really love the first one especially :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderengood to see you you back ...