The East German pedestrian traffic light symbols, in German ´Ampelman´, are typical for Berlin. There a Ampelman shops where you can buy anything under the sun with the Ampelman logo.
Although I like my souvenirs to be vintage I find these bags rather nice.

Buddy Bears can be found throughout Berlin, usually on the sidewalks in front of their owner's business or office. The miniatures of these can be bought as souvenirs
As Kristina already wrote, there are lots of souvenirs to be bought in Berlin. You don´t have to look far to find a souvenir shop. I´m not a big fan of those. I like to buy something vintage to remind me of a city I´ve been to.
As the Berlin Zoo booklet, the vintage Berlin Bear and the Berlin Fernsehturm.
(The Fernsehturm (German for "television tower") is a television tower in the city centre of Berlin and is the fourth tallest freestanding structure in Europe with 368 meter.)
In our house most of the things have a story. And sometimes we play the guessing game.....do you remember where we bought this?
These two were a gift from Mark. Every weekend there is a art-fleamarket at the Museuminsel in Berlin and I fell in love with these. As a surprise he bought them for me.
So for me the best souvenirs are always the memories that come with them.
If you want to have a great trip around the world to see the souvenirs from other Corner Views, make sure you visit Jane of Spain Daily, she´s the one who started this all! Look in her sidebar for the other participants.

Oh i do love the little ampelman! My last trip to Berlin was back in 1991 and my souvenir then was a chunk of the Berlin wall. I need to go back!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMy souvenirs are a lot like yours - especially for the memories attached to them - thanks for sharing!
BeantwoordenVerwijderen(my CV is HERE)
O, o, ik wist het wel... Die prenten in de lijstjes passen zo goed in jullie woning. Je zult zien... een kaartje dat bij je zending ligt, in kleur dan wel, je zult wel zien... :D
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDe grapjas van de Post heeft wel mijn kunstige maaksels een beetje om zeep geholpen door er een grote plakker overheen te kleven. Nou ja, als het allemaal maar toekomt in Potsdam! :)
Die ´Ampelmannetjes´ zijn leuk en de woordspeling is goed gevonden! Grappig genoeg noemde moeder (ze is Duitse) mijn broers en mij altijd ´Hampelman´ als we weer eens niet stil konden zitten.
Die dames met hoed zijn super! En dan het verhaal erbij dat je ze van Mark kreeg.. die gaan de deur dus niet meer uit. Groeten, Corine(THUIS)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenok, the ampelman are really great. i love simple graphics like that. so, what vintage souvenir would you suggest from berlin?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenvintage souvenirs are the best..
BeantwoordenVerwijderenlove the zoo poster and my fav is the Fernsehturm,just wonderful
Brilliant red and green people! I'd love to visit the city one day...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYour little walk and don't walk symbols have a lot more personality than ours do. Those bags are cute! When we were living in Kansas City there were painted cows everywhere, very much like your bears.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI too love the ampelman - I have ampelman bags, coasters and Christmas decorations from my visits to Berlin and from my parents! Great choice for Corner View!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenjust darling - especially those little pedestrian light symbols!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenlovely post. i´m definitely getting one of those bags when i come- oh and definitely am going to the flea market... then there is the food, cafes... ok i´m stopping now... besos!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh my! I love those bags. What a great souvenir!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGreat photos!! I really like the Ampelman bag!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh, I love the treasures you found! Fantastic idea to frame the booklet! I'm going to remember that!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHappy Day!
Those bags are really cool!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenoh, yes, on the first figures! my friend lived in berlin and brought home shirts with those figures on them.
agreed! but those bears are pretty cute!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love thoses souvenirs! I'd like to come in Berlin and buy some!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLovely surprises...I bought in Berlin a red ring from a guy that was working in an atelier open to the street. I cannot exactly say where...we were wandering.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLove those special souveniers with stories inside.
Funny souvenirs !!! and... beautiful too !!! I like your choice (not a surprise ;))
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk dacht toch echt dat ik jou al een comment had achtergelaten. Ik heb deze post gister nl al gezien. Zat ik waarschijnlijk weer te dagdromen.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDie tassen zijn waanzinnig leuk zeg, maar ik ben he-le-maal verliefd op die twee schetsen (?) die je ingelijst hebt. Prachtig, prachtig!
Die tassen zijn inderdaad erg leuk, maar die twee dames met hoed zijn staan daar ook leuk. Zeker als het een kado van Mark is.
BeantwoordenVerwijderengroetjes Lia en een fijne dag
you will have to come over for shopping so you can bring back a bunch of pencils and the mouse pad !!! and I like your selection of german souvenirs ...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenampelmen and bears are indeed funny but what I enjoyed the most is your treasure corner.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenmooi en stijlvol en toch schatig. :)
I like that you added photos...corner views always need photos :))
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI like the bags!
I hope to post my cv soon...
Je voulais acheter un sac ampelmen pour ma fille mais je n'ai pas osé !!! Mais je lui ai quand même rapporter un souvenir de Berlin (un autre sac !) Bises You can practice your french, here !!! Bise
BeantwoordenVerwijderenampelman is superleuk!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenen de aap-plaat is wauwie!
Hallo Jeannette,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenwarst du in Berlin? da war ich noch nie, die Fotos sehen ja toll aus, war bestimmt schön!
Ich wünsch dir ein schönes Wochenende, andrella
Hallo Jeanntte,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenoh, Deine Berlin-Andenken sind toll, weil sie gar nicht nach typischem Kitsch aussehen, diesen Touri-Ramsch mag ich auch überhaupt nicht, mache immer einen großen Bogen darum...
Ein wundervolles herbstliche Wochenende
those are cute bags.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBut your pictures from Mark are very pretty. Like you say - simple yet beautiful.
Oh such a delightful post...I adore all the pictures! Those pictures from the flea market are so elegant. x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI loved those cute bears all over the city when I visited Berlin!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenand I bought "a glass of bear" magnet for my father!
liebe jeanette, wir haben diese traffic light symbols auf t-shirts für die kinder. die sind lustig. und ich mag die zwei bilder die du geschenkt bekommen hast. so schööön! liebe grüsse*
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni like those bags!
BeantwoordenVerwijderengreat souvenirs!
have a nice weekend!
Oooh- we have a bottle opener ampelman! Sadly not from our own trip to Berlin, but a dear friends. Wonderful all the same!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI didn't know about that typical Ampelman, and all the things with the Apelman logo. That certainly is typical! Thanks
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWe have the ampelman tshirt in black! It doesn't fit my boys anymore, but I'm keeping it for my daughter!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYou have great taste in souvenirs!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLooks like the streets of Berlin are like a museum, such creative moments. Makes me realize that we are all walking through moving, live museums all the time.
Fun to see the things you chose, THanks!
aww, the "buddy bear" is adorable!