Dilbert cartoon
For most of this year it has been cell phone madness in our house. Every night Mark is on his phone for hours engaged in one or more conference-calls. I sometimes feel I have to call him to get some attention. ;)
So.....I really think they should give him a cell phone implant as a Christmas gift!
I have a cell phone but never use it, I´m more old school and love the old ones.
But there are times I do like cell phones and that is when Mark is abroad.
Right now he´s for two weeks in Manilla and I miss him. Hope he calls me soon. Would love a bit of cell phone madness right now!
Markus, I luv and miss you!
If you want to see more cell phone madness, make sure you visit Jane of Spain Daily, she´s the one who started this all! Look in her sidebar for the other participants.
PS I´m having trouble to comment on some blogs. After days of not being on the computer and wanting to check in on all the things I´ve missed! Well...at least I can read all your posts but I just can´t leave you a comment. Am I the only one having this problem? Sigh!
I blame the kitty....she always jumps on my laptop as soon as I leave it alone for a minute. I need a big fence for my laptop...it´s on my Christmas wish list already. ;)

Missed you my friend...SinterkLass is on the way to you
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHa! Funny but sad, that cartoon...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI like to be able to text Ben when he's away - that way I don't disturb him if he's in a meeting or driving, but he can get back to me when he's got time. That's one good feature of cell phones.
OMG..dat zeg ik nou ook altijd tegen mijn schoonouders en mams, dat mijn hubby maar beter een implant kan nemen, want die verdraaide blackberry van hem houdt never nooit op. Ik kan dat ding soms echt het raam uit gooien..ppffff. En ik daarintegen doe een half jaar over een 20 euro prepaidcard. Maaaaaaaar als ik het echt zat ben, dan zet hij zijn phone zacht,
BeantwoordenVerwijderen- ja ZACHT niet uit - en haalt later alles weer in. Workaholic of zo heet dat toch?? -lol-
Maw, ik snap waar je het over hebt, XXX, Carmie.
Love the black old phone and the last photo.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHe will call in a minute.
Oh, dear Jeannette... comme je te comprends Ce soir, le téléphone sonnera et ce sera Lui !!! Courage ; )
BeantwoordenVerwijderenVery nice shots. My husband is on an extended trip in Egypt and thereabouts, and fortunately we can text message most of the times!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIch pack´s einfach nich, an corner view teilzunehmen...guck mir deinen Beitrag aber wieder gerne an!Es is´wirklich schade, dass ich nich in der Nähe wohne, ich würd dir glatt mal ein bisschen Gesellschaft leisten...;-) =)
Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenyet another ladee with a boy hooked on technology, ha ha.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenlove dilbert, though. geinig! :)
he een oldschoolgirl, like me!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHoewel nu ik Jan's iphone mocht lenen ... was een leuk speeltje maar om te bellen, nou nee, ik ben niet zo'n beller, behalve als lief veel weg moet...
ik wens je een heerlijk telefoontje met je liefste!
I like the wired heart. Did you make it? I hope your phone rings soon, better yet your doorbell. xo
BeantwoordenVerwijderenZelf ben ik niet zo'n veelbeller, maar als manlief een paar dagen weg is bellen we wel veel! Ik durf het bijna niet te zeggen maar hij is gelukkig bijna altijd thuis! Groeten, Corine(THUIS)
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni also cling to my regular house phone, but i still am addicted to my cell phone. text messages are great - both for business and pleasure!
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni´m sure by the time you read this he will have already called:) besos!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenlove the heart photo -- thanks for the corner view!
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni love it. very funny and all so true. btw it's so sad when they misplace their cell phones on the weekend...isn't it...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI like the old phone on the shabby chic table-- so rusticly comfortable :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGreat post ... and I hope you got a call on your cell phone by now :-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI didn't get a cell phone until I was well into my 30's and my husband laughs at me all the time because my phone charge always goes out because I use it so little that I always forget to plug back in.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love old phones too!
Hi Jeanette! How are you? I can see you've been having a nice time in your country! You are fortunate, living in Europe, where in a couple of hours you can reach another country!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLove the pictures of your CV, the heart and the white table.
I skipped CV this week...It happens that I do not like phone, including the traditional one! My cell most of the time is with no credit or off, or I left it at home or the charge is out...And when I am on the bus or train, I just put it off because if somebody calls, it embarrass me!
Have a nice weekend
that comic is perfect! Have you seen people eating at restaurants and all they do is text. They don't even talk to each other! I think the cell phone companies are working on a cell phone transplant! xo Kyndale
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you so much Jeannette for your nice comment.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLike very much your old phone
HA! Yes, imagine a time when there were no mobiles...good? bad? bit mixed! xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBeautiful post and such a funny cartoon at the start. The CV's start to become like 'on-line journals' giving so many thoughtful views on the week's topic. I enjoy the depth of feeling and love that you brought to the often 'cool' subject of cell phones!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNice to 'see' you,
Old school ;) lol ! I use my cell phone for a lot of things... but, not really to make phone calls... because I never liked to talk in this thing ;)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLove the heart & old school phone!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHope you and your honey have had lot's of cell phone time!
love your vintage phone, jeannette. oh, yes, i agree that cell phones are wonderful when your sweetie is out of town. skype, too.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenp.s. so happy to hear about your thanksgiving in germany. tell me how your sweet potato casserole turns out. it's a southern classic (with my own twist of course). big hugs!