Yesterday we went bookshopping in Berlin. We prefer to read our books in English. And although Amazon is great it is so much nicer if you can actually feel and see the books you want to buy.
Potsdam has a nice shoppingarea in the old center but most German bookstores don´t have a lot of English books.
So every now and then we go to Berlin because there is a bigger choice and well, it´s a good excuse to enjoy the walk through the old streets with beautiful houses and to have a drink on a terrace and watch the other tourists.
First stop was the Savignyplatz bookstore. I can spend hours there...lots of books on art, architecture and travelbooks (my favorites).
Then a walk in the rain to the Kurfurstendam. To be honest this street is not my thing. I know as a tourist it is a must see for all the posh shops like Chanel, Louis Vuitton and their likes. But I only like it in December when all the trees are lit and it looks like a fairytale.
I prefer the little shops in Prenzlauer Berg area. I like the atmosphere much better. The old houses, the benches on the streets where you can have a coffee and all the vintage shops.
This one is especially for Jane, the boss of the Corner View gang. ;)
On our way back to the car I discovered this little dog shop, with a whole wall of dog collars!
Now I probably spend the rest of my day travelling the blogland to watch all the corner views. A girl has to do what a girl has to do....
(Such a good excuse to neglect the house (and husband ooops) for another day.)
Below are the links to have a trip around the world and watch their Corner View:
jane, ladybug-zen, ian, bonnie, esti, sophie, cele, modsquad,
caitlin, joyce, ani, couturecoucou, kim, a day that is dessert, natsumi, epe, kay, trinsch, carmie, outi, schanett, ritva, dongdong, francesca, state of bliss, jennifer, dana, denise, cabrizette, bohemia girl, ruth, dianna, isabelle, amber, a girl in the yellow shoes, mister e, janis, kari, jgy, jenna, skymring, elizabeth, audrey, allison, lise, cate, mon, victoria, crescent moon, erin, otli, amy, ida, caroline, lisa, dorte, kimmie, la lune dans le ciel, nicola, malo, vanessa, britta, virgina, april, rebecca, B, sunnymama, kyndale, samantha, karen, kristina, angelina

Well, that's something we certainly don't have in Salalah: a dog collar shop.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI so have to get myself to Berlin. And when I visit we have to visit that pet shop! And have lots of coffee and watch the tourists... :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOohhh, wat een heerlijkheid is dat toch. Ik zou niet meer uit die boekenstraat / winkels weg te slaan zijn. Geweldig!!! Je woont echt in een geweldige stad moet ik zeggen. Ik wist niet dat Berlijn zo mooi is.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenXX, Carmie.
Boekenwinkels ik kan er niet genoeg van zien, al die mooie verhalen en platen geweldig! Leuke foto's.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGroetjes Jo.
I am very proud to be a menber of the corner view gang !!!
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni love bookshops tooooooo !!! berlin looks like a fabulous place to visit ... and shop !!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenone day ....
I enjoyed the shopping trip AND those dog collars!! xoxo
BeantwoordenVerwijderenoh great! thank you for this post Jeannette! i simply love Berlin and miss there once in a while. and i also like Prenzlauer Berg area so much:)
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni have never been in berlin, so it was sooo nice to go shopping with you! thanks!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh, those streets and shops!! Beautiful!! I think I could spend a whole month exploring all the shops in Berlin! Thanks so much for sharing!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNice shopping trip. I do miss huge bookstores and small bookstores full of books in English. The stores here often have little English sections for me. . . but it never satisfies my hunger.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWonderful shopping trip -- it's so hard here in America finding beautiful shots of shopping like you have in Europe. Thanks, too, for your kind words on my blog.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLovely. I do love Berlin and I miss those buildings!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBook shopping is the best kind of shopping! And what a lovely place Berlin looks to be... a little like Paris?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMm, I loved how I felt like I was really walking along side of you. These pictures are great, will have to do, until I can come for a visit in your corner!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenthe wall of dog collars is so cute (and well-organized). the architecture in berlin is really great...left me wanting more peeks
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDeine Bilder machen definitiv Lust au´ne ausgedehnte shoppingtour durch Berlin!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHoffe, du hast dich gut erholt, deine Urlaubsbilder lassen jedenfalls auf nen super schönen Urlaub schließen! Haste eigentlich "Zusammen ist man weniger allein" schon gelesen?...Dein deutsch ist übrigens sehr gut, weiss gar nicht, was du hast. Wenn´s dir lieber is, kannste mir aber auch auf englisch schreiben, wiede magst...Ganz liebe Grüße, Britta =)
jee, ik zie jouw foto's en ik waan me weer helemaal daar...vorig jaar zomer zijn wij 2 dagen gestopt in Berlijn (onderweg naar Polen) en hebben we op de fiets een groot gedeelte van Berlijn bekeken...ik was totaal onderde indruk...en nog
BeantwoordenVerwijderenVoor mij echt de mooiste stad waar ik ooit geweest ben!
Groetjes, Veronique
I love bookstores.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThat is a LOT Of dog collars! Wowza.
In Hamburg, around the Alster, we also have all the big name brand shops, which is nice to visit every once in a while, but I agree with you that the more quaint shops in vintage buildings are the best. Besides, I generally like shopping places where I can actually afford to buy something.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNo white asparagus, huh? My parents didn't like white asparagus when they first tried it, but I think it was because they didn't know to peel it. ; ) Well at least you get to enjoy the strawberrries.
I love bookstore too... I'm happy to discover Berlin with you post. I'll be there tomorrow. i'm so exciting !!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenthank you so much for the tour around berlin! is such an amazing city!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI would love to visit Germany. Great pictures!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love your photos of Berlin...brings back memories, I was there in July/August 1995 and we would walk down the Kurfurstendam, the Church of Remembrance behind us...I celebrated my 28th birthday in Berlin. Ah, happy memories.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenA gorgeous day in Berlin! I'm loving the dog collar shop!
BeantwoordenVerwijderensi tu aimes la France, tu dois parler français !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMerci d'être passée et pour ton gentil commentaire.Je ne connais pas l'Allemagne et je regrette, peut-être à cause de la langue que je ne connais pas...à bientôt :)
Berlin I have to come and visit you again very soon!!! Lovely photos.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenUne très jÖlie promenade !!! Merci...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenoh, ich liebe bookshopping auch über alles! ich kann stundenlang in buchhandlungen stöbern, und entspanne mich dabei. danke für diese berlin bilder*liebe grüsse
BeantwoordenVerwijderenoh, this is great! i see you've been to bücherbogen ;) i'm a translator of art & architecture books, so i love them, too!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenlovely photos...
... just seen this post and thought of you - another lovely flea market (in paris!):
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks for this great shopping trip ... I would so much like to visit Berlin one day :-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI so miss book shops, there are no proper ones where I live.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJoin the club! LOL!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGreat pictures, and what fun to go on a book shopping trip! My favourite kind of shopping :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGoedemorgensssss, jij ook een fijn weekend. Ik zit hier al meer dan een uur achter de pc, ben er niet van weg te slaan....vierde espresso heb ik al op. Wie weet sta ik zo wel te stuiteren om wat te gaan doen hier in huis..
BeantwoordenVerwijderenXX, Carmie.