Faded beauty in Heiligendamm. Would love to have one of these!
September for me was about spending some quality time with the hubby.
When I told him yesterday that this CV would be about September and I was contemplating what I should show, his first thought was ....his new car! Men!
Sure, I like his new car but to be honest..as long as I sit comfy any car will do.
So no pictures of his new car (sorry Mark) but some impressions of our September holiday. Germany has still a lot of places for us to discover..so the last few weeks we made a few trips.
The Grand Hotel in Heiligendamm.
Strange but beautiful place. The oldest spa in Germany.
Strange but beautiful place. The oldest spa in Germany.
The beautiful town of Görlitz. On one side of the river you have Germany, on the other side Poland.
Stunning view over the old city of Dresden. I love to come here to have a drink.
A favorite spot in Berlin to have lunch..the Bergmanstrasse. Taken last Saturday.
Wismar...sitting on a terrace with these houses on the other side of the market.
A travelling zoo in Rostock.
If you want to have a great trip around the world and watch the other Corner Views, make sure you visit Jane of Spain Daily, she´s the one who started this all! Look in her sidebar for the other participants. I lost somehow my list but will put it up one of these days.

What marvelous pictures, Jeanette! I have to admit that a car would not have moved me so much...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks for these. I'm doing a tiny little giveaway of French homes and gardens magazines if you're interested...
Beautiful pictures. I love the architecture. Many thanks.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGreetings from London.
LOL for the car ! Je suis d'accord avec toi Jeannette ! Peu importe la voiture ! Et tes photos sont très belles... Un bien joli septembre !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSimply beautiful!! Your husband made me laugh. smile... Have a golden day! xoxo
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDoe mij ook maar zo´n ´faded beauty´!! :D
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBeautiful photos.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWould have been ok to see new car. Next week theme will be better to show it. Make Mark happy men. They are easy to make happy.
Prachtige foto's weer meid !!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJe vorige post heb ik ook met veel plezier gelezen en het is gewoon zo dat wij vrouwen dat echt moeten leren he ...................het kletsen doseren en vooral kijken naar de gezichtsuitdrukking want soms is het beter om helemaal niets te zeggen en gewoon je moeder of een vriendin te bellen als je iets direct kwijt moet..............
We leren het wel !!
Leuk dat je er weer bent trouwens .
groetjes Gea
Oh! It's really is remarkably beautiful there!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWishing you a lovely September!
Hoe prachtig!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGeniet van de HubbyTijd ;-)
Mijn Hubby heeft juist nu Topdrukte, het theaterseizoen is weer begonnen!
Ravie de découvrir ces images !!! j'aimerai tellement retourner de côté de Berlin... Merci pour cette visite. Bises
BeantwoordenVerwijderenoh..do you know a cottage to rent there for a week,looks so pretty
BeantwoordenVerwijderenoh these are great! i can´t wait to visit some day! besos!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenseptember hols are the best, peaceful and great to re-charge before the winter months come.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTHX for visiting!! And your trip to Germany looks like it was very exciting :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenVery beautiful ! I love the photos from your trip !! Happy September !!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt is sure now I have to come to visit you ... and all these beautiful places !!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenInderdaad, mannen! - lol -
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGoh, ik wist niet dat het er zo mooi uitzag daar...tre chic allemaal hoor.
A beautiful walk !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenpoor husband! you will have to do a feature on his new car some time. i love the one with the flag. that little pop of color amidst the neutrals! my eye loves it. beautiful all around. happy september!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDeze steden hebben we nog niet bezocht, misschien als we volgende zomer mijn broer komen opzoeken. We waren wel al in Dessau (Bauhaus) en Leipzig. Ook de moeite waard, ik denk dat zowat alle voormalige DDR-steden heel mooi opgeknapt zijn, is het niet?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGroetjes, Annelies
Hello Jeannette, Nice to have you back! I find the photos so interesting since I have never been to Germany. The building seem so grand! Thanks for sharing this with us, and happy September :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHi Jeanette,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMy son just walked by my computer and when I told him who I was writing to, he asked me, "why is it called 'Dutch,' if you're from Holland? Why not Hollish?" Can you answer that? I can't! Love the pictures - love the Swedish flag!
Oh, These photos are beautiful! I love those historical buidings which I don't really see in NY.... Thank you for sharing!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenyour photos are really beautiful!!
my favorite is the one in Görlitz!!
happy weekend!!
You have a beautiful blog. I miss Germany and I miss Europe... and I'll be back!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBeautiful photos of interesting places! So good to explore! :) I'd love to visit Germany one day.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHave a happy Sunday :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJust popped in to say hello. Well your blog title spoke to me ... I live in Sans Souci in Australia [not so much without a care.. but trying.. hehe]
I love your photos.. and the peek a boo from Sept 14 is adorable..
Have a great weekend. Julie
ha! about the car!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenstunning setting you were in!
Wunderschöne Bilder! Viele Grüße, tot ziens, Pillepalle
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLiebste Jeannette!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAuch ich hab mich hier lang nich mehr blicken lassen, mehr oder weniger unfreiwillig. Aber so ist das halt manchmal. Und es ist schön zu hören, dass du in deiner blg-Pause eine und schöne Zeit mit deinem Liebsten hattest. Es freut mich wirklich, dass es dir wieder besser geht!!!
Deine corner view Bilder sind toll. Ich will schon seit Jahren mal eine ausgedehnte Tour durch Deutschland´s Osten drehen und wenn ich mir deine Fotos so anschau, muss ich echt mal in die Pötte kommen (kennst du den Ausdruck? Das heisst soviel wie mal in die Gänge kommen...)
Ich drück dich ganz fest. ;-)
liebe jeanette...bei deinen bildern kriege ich eine sehnsucht deutschland zu entdecken. alte, verblasste häuser mit vielen geschichten mag ich sehr gerne. schön dass du wieder zurück bist. liebe grüsse*
BeantwoordenVerwijderenthat first picture is so haunting , then the camel at the end! what a beautiful vacation.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenand lovely images
These are beautiful.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI'd love to visit that spa one day!
Fascinating about the river between Germany and Poland. Thank you for this glimpse into peaceful days of your vacation.
Happy September,
Thanks for sharing such a gorgeous pics! Happy Autumn! Ciao
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWhat lovely pictures. It makes me want to visit Potsdam, or Berlin even! I am not so far away, I guess... Zurich!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI love travelling with you !!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenthank you !!
my father was born in germany at the end of the WW2...