Nog meer trivia over mijn persoon: Ik draag haast nooit sieraden maar ik ben gek op antieke en vintage sieraden. Ik kan het gewoon niet laten om het te kopen als ik het tegen kom voor een spotprijs.
More trivial facts about me: I don't wear jewelry often but I LOVE to collect antique and vintage jewelry. I just can't resist them and that's just one of my collections.
Jaja, 't is me het weekje wel. Nu ook nog getagged. En wel door Tatjana van Babayagashaus. Ze is één van de liefste dames die ik heb leren kennen in blogland. Daarbij maakt ze de leukste dingen en is haar huis een plaatje.
It has been quite the week for me. I've also been tagged by Tatjana of Babayagashaus. She is one of the most sweetest ladies I've met in Blogland. And on top of that she also makes the most beautiful things and her house is so inviting.
Liebe Tatjana, speziel für dich werde ich versuchen auf Deutsch die Fragen zu beantworten. Hast du was zu lachen. :)
Diamonds or pearls : I don't wear either of them. But I used to collect old vintage pearlnecklaces and put them in a big glass container. Just to look at it.
Ich trage eigentlich keins von beiden. Aber ich habe immer alte Perlenketten gesammelt in eine grosse Glasbehalter. Nur für Deko.
The last movie I saw : We don't have a television at the moment but the latest film on DVD was Lost in Austen. Loved it, I'm a real Jane Austen fan
The last movie I saw : We don't have a television at the moment but the latest film on DVD was Lost in Austen. Loved it, I'm a real Jane Austen fan
Wir haben zurzeit kein Fernseher aber den letzten Film auf DVD den ich gesehen hab war Lost in Austen. Sehr witzig und echt was für Jane Austen fans.
My favorite tv show : Since we moved to Germany I don't watch tv that much. All foreign (to the Germans) programs are dubbed. I just can't get used to that. As a matter of fact I hate it. But if I had to choose from the German tv shows then it would be Die kulinarischen Abenteuer der Sarah Wiener. She is a cook from Vienna and she had a trip through France where she had to cook like the chefs in those regions.
Seit wir in Deutschland wohnen schau ich nur noch wenig Fernsehen. Ich finde es schrecklich das alle ausländische Filme nicht im Originalton im Fernsehen sind. Da ich nur noch Deutsche programme anschau ist mein Favoriet Die kulinarischen Abenteuer der Sarah Wiener.My favorite tv show : Since we moved to Germany I don't watch tv that much. All foreign (to the Germans) programs are dubbed. I just can't get used to that. As a matter of fact I hate it. But if I had to choose from the German tv shows then it would be Die kulinarischen Abenteuer der Sarah Wiener. She is a cook from Vienna and she had a trip through France where she had to cook like the chefs in those regions.
My breakfast : Cappucino and wholegrain bread with cheese
Cappucino und ein Volkornbrotchen mit Käse.
My second first name : Poor me, I just have one first name.
Ich habe nur eine Vorname.
Food I don't like : Unfortunately for me I love food and yeah, that shows. Botticelli would have loved to paint me. I had really to think long and hard to come up with something. But the hubby is Jello.
Ich liebe essen, das sieht man mir auch an. :) Mein Mann wusste es glücklich.....gelatine pudding. (bin mir nicht sicher ob das gut Deutsch ist)
My favorite first name at the present time : No idea, I never thought about it. Is that bad? Keine Ahnung, habe darüber noch nie nachgedacht. Ist dass etwas schlimmes?
Caracter trait I don't like : selfishness/Selbstsucht
A place I would like to fly to : Nepal
Where I'd like to retire : Brittany in a little cottage at the sea. One can dream.
Bretagne, in ein kleines Häuschen am Meer.
Chocolate or vanilla : Chocolate/schokolade
The last person I talked to on the phone : Mark
Sweet or salty : Salty
My favorite day of the week : Saturday or Sunday, because on those days we most of the time have some time for eachother and go on our daytrips.
Samstag oder Sonntag, weil wir dann Zeit für einander haben und unsere Ausflüge machen.
Bij sieraden horen sieradendoosjes. Dat is nog zoiets waar ik een zwak voor heb. Antieke glazen doosjes. Helaas meestal niet te betalen maar zo nu en dan vind ik er nog één.
With jewelry comes jewelryboxes. That's another thing I can't have enough off. Antique glass boxes. Nowadays far too expensive but now and then I find one.
Have a nice weekend!

enjoy your weekend, nice to find out more about you...( just got 'Lost in Austen' for my bithday)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenVery lovely collection. I've always been attracted to vintage jewelry. Greetings from another Jane Austen fan in Germany.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat een mooie verzameling oude sieraden, ik heb je blog even bekeken, mooie foto's en stukjes om te lezen, ik sluit me aan om je te volgen.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDanke, dass Du mitgemacht hast :-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDeine Sammlung ist zauberhaft!
Liebste Grüße,
Hey Jeannette! Thanks for visiting! Love your answers! I will definitely be back for more! Have a great weekend!