This is another posting for *Corner View*, a super idea from Jane of Spain Daily. The group that participates show their little (or not so little) corner of the world. And wow, there have been moments viewing their pictures that I wanted to pack my things and move right away to their corner.
Well, Potsdam has a lot to offer in you want to enjoy the great outdoors. There are woods for long walks, the river Havel for all kind of watersports. And hundreds of lakes to visit.
Last Sunday, when we had some coffee at the Strandbar, a watertaxi stopped just in front of us. Mark had the great idea to go for a tour. We boarded and spend more than 3 hours on the water. The watercab stops at some historic places around Potsdam. The weather was gorgeous, lots of sun and Mark was looking red as a boiled lobster at the end of the day. ;)
It is amazing how a everything looks different from the water.
Potsdam has some castles. The best known is the Sans Soucis but this is one is the Babelsberger Schloss.
The Glienicke Brücke - The world famous "Spy-Exchange-Bridge" during cold war times.
But my favorite outdoor trip must have been to the Pfaueninsel (Peacock Island). You can only get there by ferry and you are indeed welcomed by peacocks. It is on the Unesco World Heritage list as many building and parks in Potsdam.
There is a beautiful little castle, build by one the Preusian Kings for his true love. And no.....that was not his wife! He didn´t enjoy it long because 3 years after it was build he died in 1799.
It had to resemble an Italian ruin. To us it looked like part of a filmset.
We had a long walk around the island. There were almost no visitors and that made it extra special. It felt as we had the island for ourselves.
I had a long talk with some parrots who are living in the middle of the island and got company from the island cat. He walked for more than an hour with us. I just love the cats here, they have a thing for keeping me company.
Wishing you all a beautiful Corner View day!

Below are the links to have a trip around the world and watch the other Corner Views:
jane, ladybug-zen, ian, bonnie, esti, sophie, cele, modsquad,
caitlin, joyce, ani, couturecoucou, kim, a day that is dessert, natsumi, epe, kay, trinsch, carmie, outi, schanett, ritva, dongdong, francesca, state of bliss, jennifer, dana, denise, cabrizette, bohemia girl, ruth, dianna, isabelle, amber, a girl in the yellow shoes, mister e, janis, kari, jgy, jenna, skymring, elizabeth, audrey, allison, lise, cate, mon, victoria, crescent moon, erin, otli, amy, ida, caroline, lisa, dorte, kimmie, la lune dans le ciel, nicola, malo, vanessa, britta, virgina, april, rebecca, B, sunnymama, kyndale, samantha, karen, kristina, angelina,
Ma life à moi, Gerðandisgleðir, janet, Golden Sun Family
Oooh wauw dat eiland is magnefiek! Heeeeeeeerlijk om daar te lopen en alles is zo mooi groen. Nee, daar ben ik nou weer jaloer op zeg.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk heb echt in een deuk gelegen om jouw comment op mijn blog. Eigenlijk ben ik druk in de weer, maar loop af toe naar de pc om te tjekken, maar jouw kon ik even niet links laten liggen. Vraag inderdaad maar of Mark naar Italie overgeplaatst kan worden, dan kunnen we ECHT aan de koffie gaan iedere ochtend. Volgende weeks view is trouwens koffie....hahaha....
XXX, Carmela.
Oh, I would like to be there again... green, clean and quiet ! Such a nice place. Xo
BeantwoordenVerwijderenwhat cool places. especially that bridge! wasit really a meetup point for spies?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenthat's so great you posted photos of the pfaueninsel! one of my favourite day trips! lovely pictures!
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni was thinking of posting some photos i took there as well, but then somehow changed my mind. i'll do something about peacock island on mostly berlin, though -- soon :)
Thank you for this beautiful tour!! I love that bridge! Oh, the history it could tell!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenoh, i love this post - i think i'd like to spend the day in potsdam with you, mark, the peacocks, and the cats! i'll be right there!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThat is absolutely lovely. I really love that first photo !! I think it might be my favorite ! But ... I don't know, they are all great !! Seems like there is so much green in your corner of the world !! My favorite color !!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThat's a great, evocative tour - thanks so much! Thanks also for pointing out 'Tongue in Cheek' to me yesterday - in fact I found it on your blog a good while ago and have been enjoying it ever since, but you were the one who led me to it! I'm a little better today and have done lots of fabric sorting, which is a quiet but very necessary job...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenA very elegant outdoors.
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni have to make a long walk in there too one day. this looks so good:)
BeantwoordenVerwijderennow I want to go Berlin and have coffee with you
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI want to go to Peacock Island too... So pretty! Thanks Jeannette! Un beso-Jane
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYou live in a great corner of the world. How very beautiful. Love the white castle.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks for sharing.
Dat was weer een mooi rondleiding, leuk om zo steeds wat plekken te zien.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGroetjes Jo.
The arbor and the green rolling hills sides...makes me want to pack a picnic and find a quiet place to sit myself for hours... I'll bring a little something for the cats too :^)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenhallo jeannette!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenin potsdam war ich noch nie - bloss am bahnhof, um mich von einer mitfahrgelegenheit abholen zu lassen. ist auf jeden fall sehr grün - hab ich gehört und sieht man auf deinen bildern!
zum wein bei mir in der gegend: ja, hab ihn schon reichlich gekostet! der schmeckt sehr gut! vorallem der weisswein. da gibt es ganz tolle!
Oh, I think I would absolutely love it there.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThat first picture is fabulous! You should frame and hang it. And I am interested to hear how that converstation went with the parrot. Was it a deep talk, or just repetitive? :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenVery pretty place. I like the one of the cat.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBest wishes from Buenos Aires...
Alexiev Store
Lovely! What a great white castle!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNou ben ik blij dat je hier aan mee doet....zo zie ik nog eens wat......Super zeg.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk heb ff met je mee gewandeld hoor....en die lieve poes, heb je die onder je arm meegenomen?
Wat een dotje
I can 't see the lobster ???
BeantwoordenVerwijderenoh, wow! I just love the place from the first photo! So gree, so beautiful! Thank you for sharing:)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSo beautiful! I am really in love with the castle, how romantic. My husband and I were in Germany 11 years ago on our honeymoon. We visited a couple of grand castles, wish I would have known about this lovely one.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenbonjour jeannette !Comment vas-tu ?Le coup de soleil de mark est-il parti ?;)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenmerci pour tes visites qui me font très plaisir et à bientôt !
Looks like a very green city. That castle is adorable. Beautiful!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNow I want to move to your corner of the world! lovely photos of the water.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenFabulous, I just love your photos and the little tour you shared here.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLove the pictures and I would gladly move to where you are!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenCastles in your backyard - wow - that is just so cool! So much history! Thank you for sharing!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHallo Jeanette,
BeantwoordenVerwijderendort ist es ausergewöhnlich schön.Danke für diese herrlichen Bilder.
Liebe Grüße,
Awww, I want that castle, it even has a little bridge on top if it...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI am thankful to be able to see Berlin through your camera. I hope to make it there someday.
Goedemorgennnnn, jouw laatste comment was weer hilarisch. Heerlijk hoor om zo een dag te beginnen met een flinke glimlach. Ik ga zo aan de koffie...;-) Een heeeeeele fijne dag en dat je goed geslapen hebt vanacht....met heeeele mooie dromen over verre landen....hihi...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenhahaa..ik moet weer lachen als ik aan je comment denk...
Une très jÖlie promenade, vraiment !!! merci...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenliebe jeanette. so schöne bilder...pfaueninsel klingt geheimnisvoll. ist sie weit entfernt von berlin? wünsche dir eine gute woche*
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDear Jeannette,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenthank you for your visit by my blog and for your greats pictures.
It's very intersting.
A bientôt
Je suis en retard pour mon corner qui sera posté ce week-end.
Your first photo is fantastic... I always love canopies of green. Last year we did the water tour on the Alster in Hamburg. Although Hamburg boasts of many great buildings, architecture, and sights, we did not see much of it on the tour.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMy husbands family used to have peacocks that would run free on their property. They are such a beautiful bird! Great post.
oh my goodness. beautiful!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt's a tan now ;-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI would like to visit Peacock Island :-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSuch a beautiful Corner View. I think I visited Potsdam when I traveled through Germany many years ago. It looks familiar, but I can't be sure.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI'm late visiting the corner views but I'm so pleased I made it to your corner, it looks a wonderful place! So many interesting pictures and great views, I would love to go here. Thanks for the glimpse into your world :)